For 3 decades, NICORP has been at the forefront of an important niche market. We are the leading local manufacturers of surge protectors for both household and commercial use. We do not import!
In a country beset by frequent interruptions and spikes in the public electricity service, the need to protect vital and expensive production assets is paramount.
Our registered SURGESTOP brand of surge protectors have not only withstood the test of time, but earned the reputation of consumers for their reliability, quality standard and excellent service.

NICORP manufactures a full range of surge protectors from small units for household appliances, refrigerators, television sets, etc. to devices for large industrial and commercial equipment such as central air-conditioning and cold room systems.
If your need is for protection of vital equipment and avoid the inconvenience caused by interruption in your power supply then we are the company you need to talk to.
We build custom surge protection units upon request.
We Believe In Jamaica! Build Jamaica…Buy Jamaica
Corporate visibility is central to our business philosophy and marketing thrust. Through membership of the Jamaica Manufacturers' Association (JMA), and other strategic alliances such as with the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association, our corporate image [...]
Big On Jamaica With Eyes On The Region
Although focused on the national market, NICORP also has its sights firmly directed at exporting, particular with the Caricom region where significant growth opportunities have been identified. We are aggressively pursuing expansion plans to our [...]
Nicorp Limited – Another JMA Success Story
After having won numerous awards from several organisations including the Jamaica Manufacturers Association (JMA), it seems they have swept every major award in their path. But for Preston and Rose Dietrich, owners of the outstanding [...]